The outside of the building will be completed with the last of the cedar shingles placed making the building look polished. Inside the building the electrical, plumbing, and process piping is ongoing with lots to be done over the next few months. Work on the two force mains from the pump station down Dumont Drive will be completed and will await final connection to the existing force mains when the station is complete. Gravity sewer work will restart at the start of the New Year and last two weeks, wrapping up all the work down South Street and at the Sea Street tie-in.

Sewer work on Main Street and South Street is wrapping up for the summer. Progress was swift with only the final connection at Sea Street to be made when the pump station is completed next year. The pump station itself is also moving along, with the building’s walls now poured.

With our crews off the street for the summer work will now focus on the pump station. Pre-cast concrete planks have been installed giving us a floor to work on, while crews began to backfill around the building. The last of the concrete is set to be poured this month so vertical construction can begin.